I’m Sorry

I normally only publish on Mondays, but this is something that has been weighing heavily on my heart. I took a month off of Facebook and other social media apps. It was pretty awesome. Nothing legalistic or depriving myself of things as a religious fast. I just wanted a break. On a daily basis, we are bombarded with ads, opinions, and millions of people trying to prove their point/beliefs/convictions to the world. I see hurt, anger, and frustration on a daily basis. This is my apology to those who have been hurt, abused, or cast aside in the name of Christianity.

If our job was to beat people down in judgement, Jesus would have applauded the plank in our hands instead of pointing out the one in our eye.

Dear You,

I wanted to take a minute to just simply say, I’m sorry. 

I’ve been there. I’ve been the one to rant and complain about your actions without explaining the truth about your created value, purpose, or destiny. I’ve used the defense that, as a Christian, it’s my job to tell you the truth. I’ve heaped guilt and condemnation upon your head by abusing the word love. I’ve preached at you with the selfish motive of trying to change you. To point out how wrong your lifestyle is. 

I’ve completely discounted your views and beliefs because they are opposite of mine. I’ve called you names, argued your every point, and even decided to wash my hands of you, because you aren’t worth saving. I’ve said things like “Remove all negative people from your life” or “Life is short, don’t waste it with negative people” or even “You cannot hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life.” Thankfully, Jesus never thought that way.

I’ve stood outside abortion clinics with huge signs that read, “Mommy, why do they want to kill me?” and “Babies are murdered here.” I saw you walking towards the entrance, and I tried to stop you. Not to say “I love you”, and show you how merciful our God is, but to shout in your face and call you a baby killer. Instead of seeing tears running down the face of an unsure, terrified, shamed, teenage girl, all I see is my agenda. All I care about is making sure you know how wrong your choices are. 

On social media, I’ve posted every scripture verse I can find that speaks against same-sex marriages. I’ve boycotted your stores, products, and creations because you’re gay. I’ve turned my nose up at the very mention of the word homosexual. I’ve seen you walking in the mall hand in hand with your partner, and made a point of glaring at you in disdain. I’ve closed the door to my church and drafted new guidelines that prohibit your presence. I’ve repeatedly enforced my belief that you will most certainly burn in Hell if you don’t repent and change your ways. I’ve scoffed, mocked, and ridiculed you as much as I can through statuses, comments, and blog posts. 

Even though the Bible says to pray for our leaders, I’ve constantly attacked, belittled, complained about, and called you a devil worshiper, Mr. President. Instead of praying that God would quietly speak to your heart and show you His grace and mercy, I’ve made sure to convince all my friends that you are truly an evil man. I’ve verbally attacked the people who voted for you and believe you are a great leader of this country. I make it known that I only vote Republican and look down on anyone who disagrees. 

Again, I am very sorry for the severe injustice I’ve served you by not manifesting the glorious love of Jesus. Even while I was lost in darkness and living a life of death and destruction,  Jesus died on that Cross for me. He died for you as well. Don’t let my actions push you away from a loving God who wants a relationship. Forgive me, and give me the opportunity to love you, unconditionally.


The judgmental Christian


After a full day of attacking baby killers, thieves, drug dealers, drunk drivers, atheists, devil worshipers, prostitutes, terrorists, and homosexuals, most “Christians” will lay down at night and thank God that He saved them and they aren’t like any of those people. They will sleep peacefully, knowing their names are written in the Book of Life. Then, they will wake up tomorrow and make sure the entire world knows they are a Christian.

We aren’t here waiting for a bus ride into Heaven.

We’re here to love.

19 thoughts on “I’m Sorry

  1. I appreciate this post because it’s true – we are not meant to be judgmental… but how do you propose to love people?

    Should we just be silent at what we perceive as wrong because that’s being judgmental? Where does the demarcation happen?


  2. I´m sorry that your Mr. President hasn´t gone to church a single Sunday, he does play some man golf I´ll give him that. Maybe if he had been over to get some inspiration from the MAN upstairs he might have done actually something good, I won´t get into all the scandals, starting from the IRS targetting conservatives all the way to his foreign policy which dealing with Iran when it has spread it´s influence through out the region and is now fighting ISIS and all the other scandals in between. I´m sorry for America actually.


  3. True, true, Chris. Thanks for the encouragement today! I’ll be challenged for awhile now. 🙂 🙂 The truth is told in this post. It’s so unheard in this day in age! Thanks so, so, so much!!


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Your post certainly succeeds in pointing out the perils of organized religion and tunnel-vision beliefs. Couldn’t have said that better. And I like the fast from social media. Way too much technology in our lifestyles. The person glued to their smart phone walking into a wall outside is a good symbol for that

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Thank you so much for writing this! I’ve been there as well; especially since my blog is based around my faith and my experiences with it. I try to avoid pointing fingers as much as possible. God doesn’t pick and choose who He loves. Who are we as Christians to choose who we love? If we are supposed to be living examples of Christ’s love…..

    Food for thought I guess. 🙂

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